Compliance Statement

The Weybridge Mens Shed is a community Charity registered on 15 January 2020 with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and having Registration number 1187384.  The Charity has 6 Trustees, all residents in Weybridge.  The Charity has its own formal Constitution which describes the Objects of the Charity and how the membership of the Shed are to run the Shed.  The Constitution of the Charity is available on request or from the Charity Commission website

Shedders needing to use tools and equipment will be given training in their use and be required to wear PPE as appropriate.  Shedders will be required to observe prevailing COVID-19 prevention rules.  The shed will be constructed from renewable timber and the design incorporates environmental conservation principles.  The Shed will be compliant with Health, Safety and Environment requirements.

The materials used by the shedders will, as much as possible, be materials that would otherwise be sent to waste.  The Shed will reuse second hand tools that would otherwise be dumped – provided that they can be made safe.

Trustees require that the Shed be run with personal safety and environmental responsibility as top priorities.  Trustees expect when fully operational the Shed will be funded from income from project commissions, supplemented by donations from local people and businesses.

As a principle, the Shed will not take commercial work or projects away from local businesses and trades people.